Journey through 15 Years on YouTube: Rediscovering Memorable Moments and Radio Nostalgia πŸŽ₯πŸ”Š

Today, after almost 15 years on YouTube with around 3.1 K followers and 267 videos, I was reviewing and came across two videos uploaded to my channel, which I'd like to reminisce about here.

The first video, with 5.2 K views (approximately 346 views per year), features Marfil Estereo / La Voz de Tu Conciencia in Lomalinda, Puertos Lleras, Colombia. If you're curious, at the 4:17 mark, there's a mention of... You can watch the video here: [Marfil Estereo Video]

Secondly, with 1.2 K views (around 80 views per year), I listened to the Radio Nacional de Brasil Identification. Although I uploaded it in September 2008, it's an audio from December 1987. You can check out the video here: [Radio Nacional de Brasil Video]

Thanks to everyone for following my channel.

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