馃嚠馃嚤 1939-1948: Uncovering the Resistance Radio Networks of Israel's Struggle for Independence.

1939-1948: Uncovering the Resistance Radio Networks of Israel's Struggle for Independence.

During the period of struggle against the British authorities before the establishment of the State of Israel, the Jewish resistance movements Haganah, Etzel, and Lehi operated clandestine shortwave radio stations to circumvent the British-run Kol Jerusalem radio station, which was subject to censorship.

The resistance radio stations aimed to bring listeners vital and uncensored information and broadcasted national and political messages.

"Behind Enemy Lines: The Covert Radio Stations of Israel's Resistance Movements"

Etzel's Kol Zion Halochemet was the first resistance radio station to begin broadcasting in 1939, followed by Haganah's Kol Yisrael in 1940 and Lehi's Kol Hamachteret Ha'ivrit in 1942.

All of the resistance radio broadcasts were conducted secretly and posed a great risk to their operators. Most of the transmitters were encoded inside suitcases that were moved from place to place.

Broadcasts were generally short, lasting only 5-10 minutes, to prevent the British from pinpointing the stations' locations. In 1948, the resistance radio stations cleared the airwaves in favor of the national Israeli radio - Kol Yisrael.

✅Stamp Name: Resistance Radio ✅Designer: Osnat Eshel 02/2014 ✅Denominations: 9.60 ✅Size of Stamp: 30mm X 40 mm

Source: Israel Post israelpost.co.il

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